motta_eiras disse:Trocamos por 15 toneladas de algodão e devemos ter comprado tecidos “ingleses”. Cheguei a assistir quando criança exercicios de bombadeio com esses aviões na praia de Copacabana no dia da aviação fiquei boquiaberto. Esperei em vão q repetissem. Existe um destes aviões decorando uma loja da Vide Bula em um shopping em BH.Infelizmente aqui no Brasil quando um colecionador e pego com suas peças a imprensa os trata como marginais desestimulando os potenciais colecionadores.
wow, so beautiful! i love watching artists work, so much to learn and you showed us a great trick cutting away all the extra rubber (i spend ages carving that down!) lovely music, that video was so relaxing to watch, it's like hanging out with a good friend! thank you for sharing with us!
Ecoutez, je ne suis pas plus pour les gros seins que pour les petits : a chacun ses fantasmes. Mais pourquoi entretenons-nous des Versailles et autres palais au frais du contribuable. Ah oui, patri-moine et non matri-moine universel. C’est vrai aussi qu’on y paie l’entree pour les visiter, ces palais. Faut-il suggerer que ses dames dont les seins n’ont plus de ‘gonflants’ en fasse autant pour financer leur entretien?
Stimate domn, bine ca Anatomia resentimentului e un volum nonideologic. Ba nu, gresesc, nu e nici macar ideologic, e un pamflet gros pe mai multe voci al sponsorizatilor lui Tismaneanu si asociatii. V-a placut cum le zice baiatul cu sconcsii? Sa stiti ca ca e genul care scrie numai la comanda lui Tismaneanu. Asemenea orduri n-o sa gasiti pe Idolii forului, va asigur.
Interesting post! Thanks hunni! I also would be interested to hear more about your diet/recepie ideas etc. Do you not eat crisps/sweets anything like that? Take care! C x x
Preciosa..... para que queremos mas colores si el blanco ya lo inunda toood!!Me ha encantado tu presentación, comparto tus mismos gustos asi que me quedo por aqui =)
Max Gladwell’s third list of “10 Ways to Change the World Through Social Media.” The first was posted a year ago today on, and the sequel followed five months later. If a
Everytime I see your swatches I am motivated to buy the colors, but when I am in the MAC store and swatching, it's like bleh to me. Nevertheless, I am making a list from your swatches to order online. Thnks for sharing.
I agree with Gazza on the ratings – some fairly straightforward and some you had to work for. I liked 14d because it made me smile. Was hoping 13a had something to do with ice hockey – a sport I actually know something about!Thanks to Gazza and the setter.
If one state suspends your license, you aren’t allowed to get one in another state until you clear the suspension. If you did, you’re going to be in big trouble as soon as they find out. Your best bet is to clear up the suspension in CA as soon as you can. (I can’t tell from your question whether or not you have done so).
Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email itto a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..
2016年9月13日 06:22
motta_eiras disse:Trocamos por 15 toneladas de algodão e devemos ter comprado tecidos “ingleses”. Cheguei a assistir quando criança exercicios de bombadeio com esses aviões na praia de Copacabana no dia da aviação fiquei boquiaberto. Esperei em vão q repetissem. Existe um destes aviões decorando uma loja da Vide Bula em um shopping em BH.Infelizmente aqui no Brasil quando um colecionador e pego com suas peças a imprensa os trata como marginais desestimulando os potenciais colecionadores.
2016年9月13日 04:23
What's it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?
2016年9月13日 04:20
wow, so beautiful! i love watching artists work, so much to learn and you showed us a great trick cutting away all the extra rubber (i spend ages carving that down!) lovely music, that video was so relaxing to watch, it's like hanging out with a good friend! thank you for sharing with us!
2016年9月13日 01:02
Time to face the music armed with this great information.
2016年9月13日 00:00
2016年9月13日 00:00
2016年9月13日 00:00
2016年9月12日 23:57
Ecoutez, je ne suis pas plus pour les gros seins que pour les petits : a chacun ses fantasmes. Mais pourquoi entretenons-nous des Versailles et autres palais au frais du contribuable. Ah oui, patri-moine et non matri-moine universel. C’est vrai aussi qu’on y paie l’entree pour les visiter, ces palais. Faut-il suggerer que ses dames dont les seins n’ont plus de ‘gonflants’ en fasse autant pour financer leur entretien?
2016年9月12日 23:17
Stimate domn, bine ca Anatomia resentimentului e un volum nonideologic. Ba nu, gresesc, nu e nici macar ideologic, e un pamflet gros pe mai multe voci al sponsorizatilor lui Tismaneanu si asociatii. V-a placut cum le zice baiatul cu sconcsii? Sa stiti ca ca e genul care scrie numai la comanda lui Tismaneanu. Asemenea orduri n-o sa gasiti pe Idolii forului, va asigur.
2016年9月12日 20:02
19-04-09Þûьóð ÿøшõт: у üýþóøх, ýðòõрýÑÂúð(úðú ø у üõýÑÂ)ò ðрхøòõ ûõöøт фðùû ñõ÷ рðÑÂшøрõýøÑÂ, ø «Ã»ÑŽÃ±Ã¸Ñ‚õÃȄÂü ÿþ÷ðûуÿðтьÑÂÑ» þóрþüýþõ ÑÂÿðÑÂøñþ. ôþ ÑÂтþóþ ýøúðúøõ ÿõрõ÷ðóру÷úø ø ÑÂúрытыõ ÿðÿúø ýõ ôõùÑÂтòþòðûø. Ñыû ûø ÑÂтþт þтòõт ÿþûõ÷ýыü?
2016年9月12日 18:27
Interesting post! Thanks hunni! I also would be interested to hear more about your diet/recepie ideas etc. Do you not eat crisps/sweets anything like that? Take care! C x x
2016年9月12日 17:57
I'm so glad that the internet allows free info like this!
2016年9月12日 16:20
Preciosa..... para que queremos mas colores si el blanco ya lo inunda toood!!Me ha encantado tu presentación, comparto tus mismos gustos asi que me quedo por aqui =)
2016年9月12日 15:57
Max Gladwell’s third list of “10 Ways to Change the World Through Social Media.” The first was posted a year ago today on, and the sequel followed five months later. If a
2016年9月12日 15:43
Everytime I see your swatches I am motivated to buy the colors, but when I am in the MAC store and swatching, it's like bleh to me. Nevertheless, I am making a list from your swatches to order online. Thnks for sharing.
2016年9月12日 13:20
I agree with Gazza on the ratings – some fairly straightforward and some you had to work for. I liked 14d because it made me smile. Was hoping 13a had something to do with ice hockey – a sport I actually know something about!Thanks to Gazza and the setter.
2016年9月12日 10:59
Pour la police d’écriture elle se trouve sur le site petit bazar accéssible aux enseignants genevois.Pour le problème de la couleur, je vais faire je pense une version moins colorée.
2016年9月12日 08:55
Herr Phil! Mais mon préféré c’est son cousin; celui qui est très lent mais à un gros calibre en poche. Par ailleurs, Chuck Jones est un de mes écrivains préférés.@mcaJ’ai hésité pour Don De Lillo. Mais j’ai choisi Denis Johnson. A cause de Philip Roth, justement. Sorry mate.
2016年9月12日 07:18
If one state suspends your license, you aren’t allowed to get one in another state until you clear the suspension. If you did, you’re going to be in big trouble as soon as they find out. Your best bet is to clear up the suspension in CA as soon as you can. (I can’t tell from your question whether or not you have done so).
2016年9月12日 06:07
Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email itto a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..